Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letter Recognition Wheel

This project is SUPER easy!  I made the designs for you, all you need to do is open, print, cut out and laminate the different letter wheels.  Then find 26 clothes pins and write the same capital letter on both sides of the clothes pin, A-Z.

Callie did this all by herself!!  She was so proud! 

It is important for you to make the letters on the clothes pins, capital letters AND it is important that you begin this project using the Capital Letter Wheel.

Developmentally, children will learn to match capital letter to capital letter first because they look identical.  As children get better at matching capital letters, they can move on to the lower case wheel.  Children can continue to use the same capital letter clothes pins when they use the lower case wheel.  Doing so will encourage their letter recognition skills between upper and lower case letters.  The third wheel, Picture Sounds Letter Wheel,  is to be used as a phonics tool, alongside the letter recognition wheels. 

The most important part of using these tools is YOU being present.  Take 10 minutes to sit down with your preschooler and explain how to play the game and then be there to watch, encourage, and guide them through the game.         

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