Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Who are you?

Since starting my blog, I’ve received several emails asking me just who I am.  First off, I’m glad you’re asking… because if someone is asking, that means someone is reading.  That’s the stuff that makes me smile.  People have told me, “You have done it all!” but I beg to differ.  There is so much more that I want to do, try, explore, etc.  I’m not the type to be content with one option.  When it comes to what I want to be when I grow up, my Magic 8 Ball broke years ago so your guess is as good as mine. 

Let me tell you who I am!  I am a person who can’t decide what I want to do for the rest of my life.  How does one do such a thing?  I mean, decide which ONE thing you love to do so much that you are ready to commit DECADES (until retirement) to IT!?  I have so many things that I love, I can’t pick just one so I dabble in them all.  My husband lovingly says I’m a career student, I can only hope he’s right!

This is me:
  • I’m a wife to a man who is nothing less than a hero.
  • I’m a mom to two synchronized super heroes, I’m not kidding…they read minds and make my sanity disappear.  They’re good, really good.
  • I’m a Minnesota Vikings fan, it used to be a lot more fun when I lived in Wisconsin. 
  • I’ve recently discovered that I love to cook for my family.  They love it as well, and live to tell about it.
  • I’m a former spunky hairstylist who used to have half white and half fire engine red hair.
  • I’m a believer in Jesus.  He died for me, He is my savior.
  • I’m extremely embarrassed but proud to say, I’m a former smoker.  For 15 years, my excuse was, “nobody likes a quitter.” But I realize now that I wouldn’t be saying that if I was laying in a hospital bed trying to explain to my children why smoking was more important than seeing them graduate, get married, or have babies.
  • I studied criminal law and loved every single minute of it.  It was the only 4 credit class I passed having the 2nd highest GPA on the class roster.
  • I trust everyone, one of the reasons I quit studying criminal justice.  It’s hard to be a cop when you believe everything everyone tells you.   
  • I don’t have a sharp memory like I used to…not something that you can “work on” as a police officer.
  • I believe that the punishment should fit the crime- every time.  With our failed justice system these days, that’s just another reason I couldn’t commit to being a cop.  I can handle being shot at, I just couldn’t handle being shot at and then seeing the criminal released from jail the next day.    
  • I’m a Proverbs 31 woman through and through.  Proverbs 31 changed my life, brought me happiness and brought me to know Jesus. 
  • I was an EMT for 7 years.  I’ve saved a life or four, but who’s counting?
  • I’m a stay at home mom who lives on Facebook because it makes me believe I still have a social life.
  • I’m a self employed, work from home mom.  It’s a pretty tough day when the boss lady calls to tell me to take the day off, the week off, go out and party with the girls or to wear flip flops to work. I’m a tough boss.     
  • I’m a night owl…a really really late night owl. 
  • I’m addicted to Pinterest.  It’s one reason I’m such a night owl.   
  • I’m ADHD, and when I add caffeine to my diet, you better get out of my way.
  • I’m a total chatter box, once I start I can’t stop.  I get excited talking about something other than going pee or what boogers are made of.
  • I’m a creative hoarder.  I keep anything and everything I “could use for” this or that or for something someday.  I typically store it, and forget about it.
  • I live in pj’s and sweatshirts.  It’s a special day when I put on a bra that clasps in the back and pants that button in the front.  It’s even more special when I wear flip flops that are not camo print.         
  • I’m addicted to being involved in something.  I’m not talking “dipping my toes in” involved, I’m talking, “up to my eye balls, running the place” involved. 
  • I spent my entire childhood and teenage years being told that I was nothing and would amount to nothing.  It’s amazing how the lies people feed you, make a difference in your life.  It’s a dang good thing I refuse to let others decide who I am or what I do. 
  • I live for people to challenge me.  Go ahead, tell me I can’t, then stand back and watch me prove you wrong.
  • I give 110% of myself to things I want… one of the reasons I crammed a 4 year Early Childhood Degree into 7 years(sarcasm, one of Gods greatest gifts). 
  • I completed my degree because someone along the lines told me I couldn’t.  Eat it jerk face.   

I am me.  I am a million and two things crammed into one body.  I am who I am because of all the things I have been through.  I wouldn’t be me if those elementary teachers hadn’t told me I was a boy crazy failure.  I wouldn’t be me if that junior high principal wouldn’t have said that I would be pregnant, addicted to drugs and in jail by the time I was 18.  I wouldn’t be me if my parents didn’t love me, hug me, punish me, believe in me, and encourage me.  I was destined to be me.  I was created to be me.  I was who I am before I was conceived.  The Lord created me, to be perfect in His eyes and that’s all I’ll ever need. 

Go ahead, tell me what I am or what I can’t be- then stand back and watch me prove you wrong.  I live to see your face when I tell you what I have done with my life, how happy I am, and how NOT addicted to drugs and in jail I was, EVER.

I am me… and that’s all I’ll ever be.